Featured - Customer Dashboard, Website

Site for booking company

The travel agency website for it featuring marinas around the world, based on Yii framework.

— filter marinas by location, boat size, availability
— search on map
— booking for the selected period
— the rental price depends on boat size , the rental date, the rental interval (more expensive in the season, cheaper for a long time)
— online booking
— online payment
— add of all data to maukchimp with markers for the selected tags
— add of information to hubspot crm

— admin
— marinas owner
— the owner of the boat.

each role has its own personal account.

The admin can manage berths, pricing, seasons.
marinas owners can view when and what was ordered, edit prices.
boat owners — change boat sizes, change them, order history.

The site added a chat between the owners of the marinas  and the owners of the boat with the preservation of the entire history.

On the site of several languages, the language is automatically pulled up by location.
Also, the site has a multi-currency system, and prices are recalculated depending on the country of the visitor (if not specified in the settings)

We delivered:

  • A strategy to grow business online.
  • A unique website with great user experience design.
  • A custom content management system to maintain the website flawlessly.
Launch Project